Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice from a Venetian Family of merchants who travelled the world.
He travelled to China by foot, camels, horses and ships. He told stories of his travels to Rustichello, his cell mate, who wrote The Travels of Marco Polo. He was a great Italian exploratory, he's a symbol across the world of famous entrepreneur attitude of many Italians. He's a part of our history and of course he was the first guy to export wines from Veneto to Asia.
Domini Veneti Cru dedicated a wine line to him, an amazing world explorer, with an iconic project which represent the history of his long journey connected to Venice city world wide known.
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice from a Venetian Family of merchants who travelled the world.
He travelled to China by foot, camels, horses and ships. He told stories of his travels to Rustichello, his cell mate, who wrote The Travels of Marco Polo. He was a great Italian exploratory, he's a symbol across the world of famous entrepreneur attitude of many Italians. He's a part of our history and of course he was the first guy to export wines from Veneto to Asia.
Domini Veneti Cru dedicated a wine line to him, an amazing world explorer, with an iconic project which represent the history of his long journey connected to Venice city world wide known.